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Sekadar informasi, posisi-posisi seks 9030 tidak menjadi posisi yang paling menarik, sebenarnya ini masih cukup mendasar dan anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang ahli yoga untuk bisa mahir dalam posisi seks.
Berikut tips menarik untuk membahagiakan pasangan anda: Posisi Wanita di Atas Posisi ini sangat sempurna saat istri Anda merasa energik dan periang. Ketika wanita mengambil kendali, dia bisa memutuskan apakah dia ingin orgasme via klitoris atau G-spot, karena kedua jenis orgasme ini dapat dicapai melalui posisi ini.
Untuk orgasme klitoral, minta ia setup menyandarkan tubuhnya ke depan, melengkungkan punggung, dan selangkangannya mendekati pangkal penis Anda. Untuk membuatnya tidak biasa, cobalah kagetkan dengan benar-benar memukul spot dan sensitivitas secara meningkat.
Tarik diri Anda agar tegak lurus dan peluk dia web. Posisi Duduk Untuk memulai posisi seks ini, angkatlah isteri anda ke atas meja dan biarkan dia merentangkan kakinya.
Sekarang, Anda harus berdiri di depannya dengan gaya sudut. Hubungan seksual dalam posisi seks ini harus membuatnya bergairah dengan cepat dan merangsang G-spot. Meskipun banyak kesempatan Anda untuk merabanya, ingatlah bahwa Anda akan rentan terhadap ejakulasi dini.
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Posisi seks ini memungkinkan untuk memiliki perasaan khusus kedekatan antara Anda dan pasangan Anda. Posisi ini memang sangat biasa tapi itu tidak berarti bahwa ia tidak dapat menjadi luar biasa.
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Akhirnya, Doggy Style biasanya lebih baik untuk menyentuh G-spot, karena itu, usahakan memijat klitorisnya untuk menggandakan sensasi. Posisi Saling Berhadapan Posisi ini sangat menguntungkan bagi web yang cenderung ejakulasi prematur.
Posisi ini akan membatasi keleluasaan gerak, karena itu perlu sesi foreplay lebih panjang. Melakukan posisi ini akan membutuhkan sebuah gerakan konstan panggul Anda, dan akan menimbulkan sensasi serta menghindari hilangnya ereksi.
Ini adalah posisi terbaik untuk membelai dan merayu istri Anda dengan pujian lisan. Mudah-mudahan sebagian besar dari Anda akan mencoba beberapa posisi yang menarik dan memaksimalkan kesenangan pasangan Anda.
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Anda tak suka ditekan dan diatur, Server percaya bahwa Anda bisa menentukan takdir sendiri dan tak bergantung pada orang lain. Bibir Kecil dan tebal Cirinya: Ukurannya tergolong kecil, namun bibir ini cukup berisi dan tidak tipis.
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Hayden Panettiere, Sandra Dewi, Asmirandah. Mereka adalah sosok yang mandiri, ekspresif dan tak pernah menutupi apa yang mereka rasakan. Tidak takut akan masa depan dan cenderung vokal.
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Indonesia memiliki lebih dari gunung berapi dan di antaranya termasuk gunung berapi aktif. Sebagian dari gunung berapi terletak di dasar laut dan tidak terlihat dari permukaan laut. Indonesia merupakan tempat pertemuan 2 rangkaian gunung berapi aktif Ring of Fire.
Terdapat puluhan patahan aktif di wilayah Indonesia. RI merupakan Negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari Disini ada 3 dari 6 pulau terbesar didunia, yaitu: Kalimantan pulau terbesar ketiga di dunia dgn luas Pulau yang hanya seluas 8 hektar ini mempunyai jumlah penduduk sebanyak 2.
Indonesia merupakan Negara dengan suku bangsa yang terbanyak di dunia. Negara dengan bahasa daerah yang terbanyak, yaitu, bahasa dan dialek dari 67 bahasa induk yang digunakan berbagai suku bangsa di Indonesia.
Bahasa nasional adalah bahasa Indonesia walaupun bahasa daerah dengan jumlah pemakai terbanyak di Indonesia adalah bahasa Jawa. Indonesia adalah negara muslim terbesar di dunia.
Juga memiliki jumlah masjid terbanyak dan Negara asal jamaah haji terbesar di dunia. Monumen Budha candi terbesar di dunia adalah Candi Borobudur di Jawa Tengah dengan tinggi 42 meter 10 tingkat dan panjang relief lebih dari 1 km.
Diperkirakan dibuat selama 40 tahun oleh Dinasti Syailendra pada masa kerajaan Mataram Kuno Tempat ditemukannya manusia purba tertua di dunia, yaitu: RI merupakan Negara ke 70 tertua di dunia.
RI bergabung kembali ke dalam PBB pada tahun Indonesia menempati peringkat 1 dalam produk pertanian, yaitu: Indonesia memiliki species ikan hiu terbanyak didunia yaitu species. Biodiversity Anggrek terbeser didunia: Memiliki hutan bakau terbesar di dunia.
Hewan langka Komodo hanya tersisa di Pulau komodo NTT yang merupakan spesies kadal terbesar di dunia dengan rata-rata panjang tubuhnya mencapai hingga 3,13 meter dan beratnya mencapai kg.
Rafflesia Arnoldi yang tumbuh di Sumatera adalah bunga terbesar di dunia. Ketika bunganya mekar, diameternya mencapai 1 meter. Memiliki primata terkecil di dunia , yaitu Tarsier Pygmy Tarsius Pumilus atau disebut juga Tarsier Gunung yang panjangnya hanya 10 cm.
Hewan yang mirip monyet dan hidupnya diatas pohon ini terdapat di Sulawesi. Tempat ditemukannya ular terpanjang di dunia yaitu, Python Reticulates sepanjang 10 meter di Sulawesi. Ikan terkecil di dunia yang ditemukan baru-baru ini di rawa-rawa berlumpur Sumatera.
Panjang 7,9 mm ketika dewasa atau kurang lebih sebesar nyamuk. Tubuh ikan ini transparan dan tidak mempunyai tulang kepala. Indonesia menjadi negara dengan jumlah bank dan lembaga keuangan yang berlandaskan sistem syariah terbanyak di dunia.
Hal ini terbukti dengan hadirnya 33 bank, 46 lembaga asuransi, dan 17 mutual fund yang menganut sistem syariah untuk semester pertama tahun Sejak tahun Indonesia telah menjadi produsen minyak sawit terbesar di dunia dengan hasil produksi pada tahun mampu mencapai sebesar 16 juta ton pertahun.
Eksport nanas Lampung tahun menduduki peringkat dua terbesar di dunia Paguyuban Pencinta Batik Pekalongan mendapat penghargaan Guinness World Records tahun setelah berhasil membatik kain sepanjang 1.
Satu dari 4 masjid kubah emas didunia terdapat di Indonesia. Berikut nama dan tempat masjid kubah emas 1. Masjid Al-Askari di Samarra, Irak, 3. Indonesia sebagai negara dengan tingkat pertumbuhan pengguna facebook paling tinggi di asia tenggara.
Pada tahun , pengguna facebook di Indonesia tumbuh persen mengalahkan China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Singapura. Tahun saja total pengguna internet mencapai 25 juta dengan populasi Pasar tanah abang merupakan pusat penjualan tekstil dan pakaian terbesar di Asia Tenggara.
Ternyata Bukan Hanya para Pria Saja yang sering melakukan daya hayal tingkat tinggi yang bahasa kedokterannya Onani , tetapi para Wanita Juga Sering melakukan Hal yang banyak di sebut orang sebagai Surga Duniawi.
Fakta terbaru menyebutkan Bahwa Wanita zaman sekarang sering melakukan Masturbasi sendiri. Seringkali hal ini juga terjadi pada perempuan yang pernah merasakan kesenangan seksual, tetapi sulit menemukan seseorang yang cocok sehingga masturbasi dilakukan sebagai suatu pilihan.
Masturbasi salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kesenangan tersebut. Misalnya bermasalah dengan berat badan, sehingga merasa tidak ada lagi pria yang tertarik padanya.
Akibatnya, mereka mencari kesenangan seksual dengan masturbasi dibanding harus ‘berbagi’ dengan pasangan. Mereka merasa kebutuhan seksual dapat terpenuhi hanya dengan membiarkan tangan menyelesaikan pekerjaan sebagai Fantasi.
Mereka merasa dirinya yang benar-benar mengatahui tempat mana yang perlu disentuh dan memberikan kesenangan untuk mendapatkan kepuasan seksual. Tips Mengatasi Bosan Berhubungan Sex.
Hubungan sex dengan pasangan yang sudah berjalan lama atau bahkan bertahun-tahun bisa saja mengalamai kejenuhan atau bosan. Hubungan yang dilakukan secara monoton tanpa adanya variasi jelas mudah menghadapi kebosanan.
Karena masalah hubungan intim dengan pasangan, bisa saja menjadi akar masalah yang berujung pada perselingkuhan. Salah satu dari pasangan tergoda untuk merasakan sensasi baru dengan mencoba berhubungan dengan wanita atau pria lain.
Dimana penyebabnya adalah adanya rasa hambar atau bosan dalam bercinta selama ini. Variasi Gaya Hubungan yang dilakukan dengan gaya yang begitu-begitu saja sepanjang tahun jelas akan menimbulkan kebosanan.
Tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba variasi dalam berhubungan sex dengan berbagai gaya. Anda dapat membaca buku panduan mengenai gaya tertentu dalam berhubungan sex contohnya yang sudah terkenal adalah menbaca Kamasura atau buku lainnya yang mudah didapatkan saat ini, lalu coba terapkan dalam berhubungan seksual anda dengan santai.
Lalu rasakan nikmatnya berhubungan dengan gaya baru itu. Variasi waktu Waktu juga berpengaruh terhadap kebosanan dalam berhubungan seksual. Mungkin juga waktu yang selama ini untuk bercinta merupakan waktu yang kurang tepat, saat anda dan pasangan sedang lelah sehabis beraktifitas.
Usahakan untuk mencoba waktu-waktu tertentu yang jarang dilakukan bersama. Pagi hari menjelang berangkat kerja, atau jika Anda biasa berhubungan sebelum tidur, maka Anda dapat mencobanya setelah terbangun tengah malam atau sesudah bangun tidur, dipagi hari.
Tempat Baru Rasakan sensasi hubungan seksual dengan mencoba tempat yang jarang digunakan untuk bercinta selama ini. Lakukan hubungan seksual di dapur, di kamar mandi, di loteng dibawah sinar bulan, di mobil dan sebagainya, akan menjadi variasi yang menyenangkan dan mengesankan.
Komunikasi Komunikasikan dengan pasangan mengenai hubungan intim selama ini, jangan menganggap tabu dalam membicarakannya masalah sex dengan pasangan Anda. Tanyakan saja apakah pasangan anda bosan dengan hubungan seksual selama ini, lalu diskusikan bersama.
Gaya, waktu, tempat seperti apa yang diinginkan dan merasa nyaman untuk dapat digunakan dalam berhubungan seksual. Mungkin masih banyak lagi tips untuk mengatasi kebosanan dalam berhubungan seksual.
Untuk itu jika anda memiliki pengalaman lain, silahkan berbagi dengan rekan-rekan keluarga yang lain di sini. Latihan ini bisa dilakukan laki-laki pasangan Anda sendiri atau dengan bantuan Anda.
Intinya adalah menstimulasi Mr. P hingga mendekati ejakulasi, lalu berhenti sampaia mendekati titik turn off. Ulangi cara terebut sekita kali per sesi. Setelah minggu Anda sudah dapat melihat perubahan stamina Mr.
P dan sudah tidak perlu lagi menggunakan teknik ini. Tepat sebelum pasangan Anda ejakulasi, berhentilah menstimulasi. Berikan tekanan pada bagian pangkal Mr. P dengan melingkarkan ibu jari dan jari tengah.
Fokuskan tekanan ke bagian uretra tapi jangan terlalu keras, nanti bisa menyakitinya. Cara ini akan mengurangi ketegangannya dan menahan respon ejakulasi. Berika tekanan ini pada saat yang tepat sebelum ejakulasi, karena bila terlalu lamban bisa terlambat.
Posisikan tubuh Anda di atasnya. Minimalkan gerakan tubuh saat Mr. P berada dalam Ms. Berlatihlah terus hingga pasangan Anda terbiasa dan dapat bertahan 15 menit sebelum ejakulasi. Ulangi langkah tersebut sambil menstimulasi sebebasnya sehingga dia bisa bertahan 15 menit sebelum ejakulasi.
Perlahan namun pasti, Mr. P-nya akan bertahan lebih lama walaupun tanpa bantuan Anda lagi. Salah satu cara meningkatkan dan melepaskan ketegangan seksual adalah masturbasi teratur. Melalui masturbasi, pasangan Anda bisa melatih dirinya dalam menghadapi rangsangan-rangsangan yang diterimanya.
Karena sudah terbiasa maka dia bisa bertahan semakin lama menuju titik klimaks. Tapi jangan terlalu sering masturbasi, bisa-bisa dia melupakan Anda. Meski wanita dianggap bisa bertahan lebih lama, seringkali wanita butuh rangasangan lebih untuk mencapai orgasme.
Untuk itu, minta pasangan Anda agar membelai Anda dengan lebih kreatif dan dengan durasi lebih lama dari biasanya. BUkan tidak mungin, wanita meraih orgasme saat foreplay. Kalau sudah begini, biasanya Anda masih ingin lanjut, nikmati titik klimaks berdua bersama pasangan langsung setelahnya.
Sebagian pasangan laki-laki mengakui bahwa menggunakan kondom bisa mengurangi stimulasi saat berhubungan. Biasanya, hal ini lebih dirasakan oleh laki-laki.
Kalau pasangan Anda juga merasakan hal yang sama, maka Anda bisa menggunakan kondom untuk memperkecil stimulasi pada Mr. Dengan begitu dia tidak akan terlalu cepat ejakulasi.
Berhubungan seks tidak harus lama. Jika sang wanita sudah mendapatkan orgasme, maka itu pertanda bagi sang lelaki untuk menyelesaikan permainan baik cepat meupun lambat. Jika si pria sudah puas maka permainan dapat diakhiri.
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Is there another method of keeping existing sessions running but preventing new users from logging on? Possibly although from the looks of that the polling just checks pings.
Whilst logons are disabled the server will still appear as up? We upgraded our BES 4. I think the problem is in the start-up parms we are using for WebLogic Since yesterday today morning, my Virtual Center server started to refuse connections.
I log in the server and found that VMware web service was stopped, I re-started and I was able to connect for few seconds, then it stops again and kicked me off VC.
The only error I found in the Event Viewer is the following, any ideas? It has done this 4 time s. Hi all, this is my first post! I’ve also dabbled with RemoteApps recently.
Remote Desktop connections work from Site 1 or any of the Win7 home locations, but when attempting to connect from Site 2 the RDP dialog box shows up as Connecting then sits on Initiating Connection.
I’m new to this technology and while I’ve managed to get mostapps running I’m a bit lost when it comes to troubleshooting! Both sites are using folder redirection for their user profiles but when Site 2 is removed fromgroup policy it is able to successfully connect to the RDP app on the UAG.
I ran a procmon at Site 1 and can see that a. I am thinkingUAG is having trouble writting the temp file- is there a way to change the location of the temporary file? Changing the config on the UAG to resolve this would be my preferred option if possible because we don’t have full control of these site networks.
UAG Update 1 Is anyone able to offer suggestions of how to continue diagnosing this issue or of any information which may help? I had the exact same problem, and after quite a few hours it turned out to be a user policy: We’re running ACE A5 2.
Unlike servers in the routed contexts, where we had to SNAT their connections with the VIP, the client side and server side subnets in a bridge context are the same. Do we still need to add an input service policy to the server side interface for the servers to initiate connections?
I am listing the 2 interfaces for your review:. For any other traffic you just need to allow the traffic using access-list and it should work fine. I upgraded last week to the iPhone 4S from the iPhone 4.
I deactivated the iPhone 4 in iTunes. Now I’m trying to get iMessage turned on in the new phone and it keeps returning an error that it could not sign in, and to check my network connection and try again.
I’ve tried this on 3G and wifi. My connections are fine. Is the iMessage server down? My password is correct, too. What’s stopping this feature from turning on? I did some more research.
The phone needed a full reset to get the functionality restored. I noticed this morning that Facetime was missing from the Settings menu also. It works fine now. You won’t lose data music, contacts, etc.
My wallpaper was reset to the default water drops on glass like when you first activate the phone. That was easily restored though. That seems to push it through. You can always turn the SMS function back on for those people you text with who do not have iMessage if you encounter any troubles with them.
I used the above command. I think there should be a command in powershell also which is not written here. I try install smc 4. Here the log installation:. Running on SunOS sun 5.
Server component also installed locally. Using this machine as the Sun Management Center server. Sun Management Center 4. There are two ways to correct this conflict: Reconfigure the port that Sun Management Center 4.
Stop the process that is using the port. Enter port you would like to use [ to ]: Starting Sun Management Center database setup Configuring database initialization parameter file Stopping metadata component Successfully disabled service sunmc-metadata Stopping cfgserver component Successfully disabled service sunmc-cfgserver Stopping topology component Successfully disabled service sunmc-topology Stopping event component Successfully disabled service sunmc-event Stopping grouping service Successfully disabled service sunmc-grouping Stopping trap component Successfully disabled service sunmc-trap Stopping java server Successfully disabled service sunmc-javaserver Stopping webserver Successfully disabled service sunmc-webserver Stopping agent component Successfully disabled service sunmc-agent Stopping platform component Successfully disabled service sunmc-platform verifyDatabaseDown: No Addon is setup.
Following Addons are not yet setup: I am already uninstall use uninstall script and reinstall back , but the result is same , Does any one know how to solve this problem? I’ve not been able to resolve the topology issues, the recommended fixes have not resolved my issues.
Upon un-installaing and re-installing multiple times I’m still not able to get the topology component to initialize correctly. None of the other Management modules are displayed either. The web start console refuses to connect to the server as well, replying with a ‘Server communication error, the server version may be incompatible’ error.
I’ve noticed quite a bit of sql errors in the install, I’ve not seen anything in the release notes or forums regarding this issue either. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
SMA and snmpdx are both disabled as well as dmi services. Agent, Server, and Console components are installed and setup. Running on SunOS dvall 5. Installation files source directory: Enter the directory in which you want to install: Do you want to install the Server component y n q y Note: The Agent component will be installed automatically.
Do you want to install the Console component y n q y Looking for valid JDK. Found incomplete installation of: You must agree to the above license agreement to proceed with installation. Do you agree y n q y.
English is installed by default. Are other languages required y n q n Reading Add-On products from image. This can take approximately 3 minutes to complete. Checking for applicable products.
This can take approximately 2 minutes to complete. Do you want to select all the products y n q n Select the products you want to install: The following Add-On Products will be installed: Do you want to proceed y n q y Sun Management Center Common Components i 4.
Installing part 1 of 1. Copyright Sun Microsystems, Inc. Use is subject to license terms. Sun Management Center script localization messages i 4. Sun Management Center Agent i 4. Sun Management Center Agent Modules i 4.
Sun Management Center Local Access i 4. Installation of SUNWesafm was successful. Package SUNWservicetagr is already installed on this system. Validating the Registry entry. Package SUNWservicetagu is already installed on this system.
Package SUNWstosreg is already installed on this system. Package SUNWenesi is already installed on this system. Sun Management Center Console i 4. Sun Management Center Additional Components i 4. Installation of SUNWesjp was successful.
Package SUNWesaxp is already installed on this system. Sun Management Center Console properties i 4. Installation of SUNWenesf was successful. Package SUNWesgui is already installed on this system.
Installation of SUNWesclb was successful. Package SUNWesval is already installed on this system. Sun Management Center Console Dataview i 4. Installation of SUNWescdv was successful.
Sun Management Center Web Console sparc 4. Sun Management Center Help sparc 4. Installation of SUNWesbuh was successful. Sun Management Center Database i 4. Group smcdbg created User smcdbu created Installing part 1 of 1.
Installation of SUNWesdb was successful. Package SUNWesagt is already installed on this system. Sun Management Center Server i 4. Installation of SUNWessa was successful. Package SUNWesjp is already installed on this system.
Installation of SUNWesse was successful. Package SUNWesclt is already installed on this system. Package SUNWesjrm is already installed on this system. Sun Management Center Metadata Agent i 4.
Installation of SUNWmeta was successful. Package SUNWenesf is already installed on this system. Installation of SUNWesmdr was successful. Sun Management Center Web Console i 4. Windows Enterprise R2 Number of Nodes: As per Microsoft this is declared as a known issue and to resolve this issue MS is recommending to install the hot fix as mentioned in below article.
In one of the node we applied hot fix mentioned in above articles but node started behaving abnormal cluster resources were not showing. Hence removed the hot fix and node came back to normal.
Ive recently had issues with my VPS filling up and stopping working. Nothing is showing as down in the control panel but mail clients say the server is refusing connections. Likewise with telnet on port We have 3 similarly configured servers at the site that don’t use SCCM and there are no problems at all, hence the post in this forum.
Domain communication; secure channel authentication, group policy, etc would cease to work. A server restart would resolve the problems fora few hours and then the issue would return.
We had IPv6 enabled which probably exacerbated the problem so this was disabled and everything sprang back to life. However I’ve noticed that more and more port connections are steadily being established under the IPv4 interface, the concern being that the problem isn’t resolved and will eventually reoccur albeit after a little more time now IPv6 isn’t in the equation.
Maybe having hundreds of connections open at any one time is the norm. Any help and advice would be much appreciated. The problem appears to be solved. I could pretty much guarantee that within a couple of hours the server would have essentially shutdown all key network access due to many thousands of port connections.
So it goes to show that the simple checks are often the most important one, such as whethera site server build procedure had been completely followed and a server was patched appropriately.
It would be interesting to understand where the problem lay, the other thread linkpoints to the Distribution Manager not closing out port connections, it is very possible we were seeing the same problem.
If I have to reboot this configuration is lost and the VPN is down. Anyone know how to make this configuration stick? Firstly, the is a value of the Maximum ports which is the number of connections that you want to support at one time.
The number of ports available for use by this tunneling protocol should be greater than 0 http: I have been thinking about requiring a reliable connection between node A and B.
I can’t think of a solution that would provide atomic failover without requiring something basic in hardware terms. The maximum we can do is to have the server stopping if the live connected to the backup and no connections have been made.
Thats totally common that such strategies do scale very bad. They scale, but the scalability is very limited. Actually, they don’t scale horizontally at all. If you think about, for total replication of every node, every node handles the traffic of every other node, so adding more nodes in the cluster doesn’t give you the ability to handle any more traffic overall.
What about implementing it the same way distribution in infinispan is implemented with remote calls? Infinispan, and other distributed caches, are designed primarily to store map like data key, value pairs.
They’re not so easy to use with ordered queue like data. It can be done you can implemented a list in a map , but it would very slow to store and retrieve data. I agree with you ;- just wanted to mention that the scalability goes until a certain limited level of e.
But sometimes the failure tolerance has to be higher than just having one backup node and therefor such strategies could be the matter of choice. What about having the possibility to have more than one backup node in a hirarchical order?
I don’t think OVM is supported running as a virtual box machine, so I’m not surprised it’s acting strange. I wanted to double check that initiating an export while the database is offline all connections from application are brought down would resolve all the issues.
Yes, but what’s the total downtime in that way? We have sequence caching done and we are on RAC. I am currently managing the Firewall over the VPN via it’s inside interface using the management-access inside command.
I have tried upgrading via TFTP but it keeps stopping randomly with unspecified error I normally upgrade via FTP though but it’s not working in this instance. I need the connections to originate from the inside interface so they traverse the VPN.
I am running 7. The problem I have is that I have a asa firewall on my server but it’s not stopping or even attempting to stop what I believe a ddos attacks. I’m getting close to connections a second and over connected which kills the server.
I’ve tried blocking ips I’ve setup the Nats to only allow 25 embo connections. I have the threat dect on But I just feel like I’m missing something really simple to solve this problem.
Any guidance would be much appreciated. I would suggest if these are coming in huge numbers, kindly open a TAC case for it and try and limit it. I ran a vmware converter P2V using converter 4.
I had configured the converter to sychronise the data and specified several services to stop. So it completed c: I then got a message “stopping services” and then the message “Warning: Unable to stop service ‘CpqNicMgmt’.
When I loked at the physical server this service had been stopped along with the others I specified. Is this just a timeout that it didn’t stop quick enough. Franck, I did think of this myself, but only after it happened, luckely it stayed up on the network OK.
However I think that service is only for the teaming and the NICS are not teamed, but in future I’ll not touch this service. But the strange thisng is the service did stop OK but converter didn’t seem to know that its stopped it sucessfully.
I thought I might try the hot clone first and see. I have done about 30 cold clones and I think all but one have been fine. I haven’t tried the hot clone with any production systems so I think i’ll stay with the cold clone.
Hopefully I’ll can get some time to test the hot clone with syncronisation and stopping services to see how stable it is. I’ll need to get a smaller test server and see waht I find out.
This one was GB and took over 24 hours. I have a situation where encrypted outbound connections to the same external address VIP on SSL module will need to use a different certificate according to which source is initiating the connection.
Would I be able to do so and what the configuration would be on the SSL module? We’ve seen these kind of crashes before. If you disable trap reception in DFM, do they go away? Last week I’ve changed the FVG with a new one, because the old died during a firmware upgrade: I’ve compared the 2 client connection logs: FVG is behind DG router..
Tunnel establishment works fine. The problem is that we are unable to initiate communcation from the to the which makes remote monitoring of the impossible. From the side we can initiate communication to the and the management server which is on a separate VLAN and first then we are able to contact the remotely.
On the for every subnet a little “tunnel” is being setup to the Well this got a bit messy, but to put it in short the is initiating communications and decides who to communicate with. Disabling LZS compression on the Concentrator will help reduce the number of events.
At work I tried to connect to a network without a locked icon. Turns out it required a password, my bad. Now the iPhone4keeps trying to connect to that network each time check mailetc It a great feature that it remembers my home and friends Wifi,but can I stop it from trying this particular connections?
We have an OC4J application 9. Sometimes we have CPU usage on the database server and it is always the database service of the oc4j application consuming the memory. Stopping and starting the service solves the problem, but this is not acceptable.
I would like to know more about how the connections from the application to the database can be monitored. I think the problem occurs when there are network errors too and I want to investigate this.
When the initiating service starts a conversation and then sends a message, the initiating service ends the conversation immediately. However, after the target service processes the message, the endpoint on the target server is not deleted when the target service ends the conversation.
Therefore, when the initiating service starts a new conversation, the number of the conversation endpoints on the target server keeps increasing. This has shipped in CU3, see http: I have no clue as to why this is happening.
My agent service seems to have stopped 4 days ago, and I was not aware of it, although sql server itself seem to stop occasionally at which point we cannot access it from Management studio. Well, Thanks for your replies, I appreciate it I just have uploaded the dump file as per my previous post These connections are never closed.
Even if the LDAP server is configured to close timed out connections idle timeout parameter , these ones are re-opened by the join-engine on the next sync cycle.
This problem is quite annoying because it implies stopping and restarting the join-engine very often. I hoped it would be solved in this version but it is not. Indeed the connections opened by metadir as well closed after this timeout, BUT: I’ll wait for the 5.
It works well even if it’s not a very smart solution. Lately the publisher portlets on our portal break and we no longer see the content but errors. It starts with one or two portlets, the finally all publisher portlet fail.
Stopping and restarting publisher seems to fix it. But in production, our clients lose access to the site for a couple of minutes – not ideal.